It’s hard to imagine modern life without the benefits marketers bring to us – from the ubiquitous availability of tasty and nutritious foods to the sleek, friendly devices that keep us all connected. The Center for Positive Marketing upholds marketing as a force for good in the world, a force that recognizes the best way to boost business performance is to bring benefits to people’s lives. We help practitioners and academics uncover unmet consumer needs so that they can serve consumers, partners and society better.
We unite industry professionals, academic researchers, and students in this mission through an annual conference and the recurring “Marketing Lessons from the C-Suite” series, which features high-level executive speakers from a variety of industries.
We engage students with our scholars and our industry partners so that they learn to practice marketing in its purest form. Student Research Fellows collaborate with academics to better understand how marketing can be used to uplift people. Our Fellows-in-Practice train in positive marketing by applying their skills in the Center’s outreach activities.
Our original “The V-Positive" research report provides deeper insights into customer needs by using an exclusive measure that measures the positive differences marketers make in people’s lives.
Center Founders, Fellows and Members envision marketing as a force for satisfying a variety of consumer needs which results in positive outcomes - from the immediate and concrete to those that are more abstract and future-oriented. Each customer-marketer exchange has the potential to increase individual and societal welfare, from satisfying short-term boredom to improving long-term public health.
Marketing is the discipline closest to individuals and thus has the greatest potential to illuminate the effect of global business decisions on ordinary citizens, and the effect of consumer decisions on overall well-being and the world at large.
140 W. 62nd Street,
New York, NY 10023