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The Center for Positive Marketing upholds marketing as a force for good in the world, a force that recognizes the best way to boost business performance is to bring benefits to people’s lives.
It unites industry partners, academic researchers, and students to obtain deep insights into consumer needs and to uncover how marketing can help satisfy them for the benefit of all. Learn more about us.
Conference for Positive Marketing / AEF 1-Day Conference
February 10-11, 2021

The Center for Positive Marketing at Fordham University is partnering with @ANA Educational Foundation (AEF) to host a virtual conference on purposeful marketing. "Building a Positive New Normal with Brands" will be a live Zoom event held on Wednesday, February 10, 2:00-4:30pm. Learn from top marketers representing Danone/Two Good; Panera Bread; eos Products; and OkCupid who will discuss the importance of driving messaging on purpose and sustainability for their brands. Fordham students, faculty and alumni can register now at Gabelli Connect.
Others can register here.
Our Consumer Value Index measures the extent to which people’s lives are made better by marketers. V-Positive reports include both global and need-specific metrics about consumer well-being, offering actionable insights that marketers can use for strategic and tactical decision-making.
Contact us to arrange customized studies for your brand.
And check out our latest report,
What Value Do Marketers Bring to Women?
insights from the V-Positive Report
Upcoming Events
Save the Date
The Conference for Positive Marketing will again combine with the ANA Educational Foundation's Members Only Conference on February 5-6, 2020. The theme this year is Brand Tech.
Join us again to spend a day learning about practitioners challenges and successes from the lips of top marketing executives. Then scholars will band together to craft competitive research proposals inspired by themes of the day before. Details and registration links to come.
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Join the Positivity
Become an individual or coporate member of the Center to infuse positive marketing in your life and throughout the organization.
For more membership services, please click here.
TMRE 2015 - How Positive Marketing Can Improve Brands
November 02-04, 2015
While brands like Patagonia, Panera Bread and Whole Foods embrace the social and humanistic impact their brands make on society, Positive Marketing is an approach that begins with the consumer and works its way up to positively impact firms, their customers, and society at large. In this interactive session, TMRE attendees learned how Positive Marketing can contribute to the overall well-being of your customers, your bottom line, and society at large.

Positive Marketing Scholarship in Journal of Business Research
November 9, 2015
The Journal of Business Research’s Special Section on Positive Marketing [Volume 68, Issue 12, Pages 2443-2702 (December 2015)] consists of cutting-edge research and comprehensive literature reviews first presented at our inaugural Conference for Positive marketing.
The online version is now available!!
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